LeaderLabs 4.0: The Leaders' Dashboard
Like many, you might wish that you could experience upper-level ministerial training but don't have the time or money to enroll in formal academic training. The good news is, there is a solution—LeaderLabs.
LeaderLabs 4.0, The Leader’s Dashboard is Dr. Garmon’s 4th and latest Executive Leadership Program. Garmon has spent decades studying, researching, selecting, arranging, and presenting leadership material—drawing from decades of Church of God ministerial experience, academic research, common sense, and real-life practice as a pastor and missionary.
We now find ourselves in a unique time, having to address issues and problems like no other generation before us. We are no longer just shepherds of a flock. We are also leaders of organizations. This exceptional season requires skills that are supplemental to theological and doctrinal training. The global research from the marketplace and ministry is clear. If leaders are to succeed, and in many cases, survive, they must be willing to change, adapt, and learn new skills quickly. In fact, life-long learning is now, more than ever, a critical skill. Consequently, we can all expect to be newbies at something from here on out. In addition, research says, COLLABORATION will be the META-SKILL of the 21st Century, amplifying the reality that nobody alone learns as quickly as everybody together; we need each other.
Learning and the consequential growth of a leader is like oxygen to a deep-sea diver – without it, you will die.
This brand-new set of eight LABS, therefore, addresses THE eight most relevant, and usable skillsets for this present season: (Booking for this program opens August 1st, 2024.)
LAB 1. Time for Change; Becoming Spiritual Meteorologists
LAB 2. Surviving Change; 3 Stages and 8 Steps for Leading Change
LAB 3. Leadership Greatness: Mk 9:33, leading like a child; Mk 10:35, leading like a servant.
LAB 4. The New Focus on Emotional Intelligence
LAB 5. Addressing the Number One Mistake Leaders Make
LAB 6. Time and Priority Management; How to slow down and focus
LAB 7. The Ministers' Self-Assessment, Part 1
LAB 8. The Ministers' Self-Assessment, Part 2
FORMAT: One Saturday per month, 9 am – 3 pm, for 4 months held at your location. (Statewide, Regionally, or local church)
About the Program
The Leader’s Dashboard Executive Leadership Program is our fourth certificate-level leadership program designed to expose Christian leaders and managers to next-level leadership theory and concepts in an inspirational learning environment and process that will:
· Ignite a passion for learning
· Provide valid, reliable, and confidential feedback
· Provide information that is instantly applicable, and
· Provide the ability and resources to impart to others what is learned.
Many leaders do the right things intuitively but do not know how to articulate the process appropriately. The Leader’s Dashboard Program will provide a vocabulary that enables leaders to lead and managers to manage at a new level.
The Leader’s Dashboard Program utilizes a COHORT Model creating a personal learning community experiencing together a corporate journey of growth and development.
The Leader’s Dashboard Program, is unique, exposing participants to cutting-edge leadership-related concepts, theory, and practical skills that are context-sensitive to ministry and marketplace leaders.
This Leader’s Dashboard Program is interdisciplinary, providing faith-based leaders with the analytical framework, tools, and common vocabulary necessary to execute strategic ministry, business, mission, and vision. The program also encourages each participant to become a life-long learner, creating learning organizations and ministries that adapt appropriately to changing circumstances and contexts.
The Leader’s Dashboard Program looks for Leaders of Leaders; Administrative Bishops, Regional Bishops, or local Pastors who can use their influence to pull together high-potential candidates. Our mission and goal are to translate that potential into a pipeline of leadership talent.
Upon completion, all those who attend and complete the entire program will receive a Certificate of Executive Leadership.