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Proverbs 29:11 Living Bible (TLB)

A rebel shouts in anger; a wise man holds his temper in and cools it.


What distinguishes good leaders from great ones? EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE (EI).

EI is a group of 5 skills that help the leader maximize their effectiveness and well as those of others.

  • Self-awareness

  • Self-regulation

  • Motivation

  • Empathy

  • Social Skills

Most effective leaders are alike in one way—they all have a degree of EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE (EI). IQ or Intelligence Quotient and technical skills do matter—as threshold requirements for leadership positions. But research now shows that EI is the Sine Qua Non (the thing that is absolutely necessary) of leadership. EI proves to be two times (2 x’s) more important than IQ or technical skills. What’s more? Research and practice show us that EI can be learned.


As Christians, we are all about growth—growing in grace to become more like Christ. And, as Christians, we have scores and scores of resources for renewing our minds and taking every thought captive to the gospel.


So, we shouldn’t need this LAB—but we do. 


As biblical leaders, we should have already cornered the market on emotional intelligence. We should be the experts, the icons, the poster children for this important quality.


Emotional intelligence (EQ) consists of five interrelated traits.  These five traits are hierarchal.  They build on one another.  EQ begins with three intrapersonal traits: Self-awareness, Self-regulation, and motivation.  Resting on those three are two interpersonal traits: empathy and social skills. EQ involves alignment between emotional intelligence and what the wisdom literature of the Bible describes as wisdom.  Wisdom is the chief pursuit of the Old Testament saint (and the New).  This wisdom can be shown to directly parallel the five traits of EQ mentioned above. 


All people (which must include believers and non-believers alike), are capable of making advances in this critical area of life. For the Christian, the presence and power of the Holy Spirit however, is a great encouragement to the development of wisdom (high EQ) or what the Scripture often calls maturity. So, pursuing higher levels of emotional intelligence is part and parcel of working out your own salvation.


This LAB uses author Daniel Goleman’s classic Harvard Business Review (HBR) article, “Leadership that gets results,” to examine the link between emotional intelligence, leadership style, and RESULTS. The LAB examines six distinct leadership styles, each one springing from different components of emotional intelligence, and explores which precise leadership behaviors yield positive results—behaviors can be learned and turned into habits. 


Further, Goleman’s research indicates that leaders who get the best results don’t rely on just one leadership style; they use most of the styles in any given week. 


Learn how to:


1.     Examine the links between EI, leadership style, and results.

2.     See emotional intelligence as Biblical wisdom.

3.     Develop the capacity to motivate yourself and manage emotions.

4.     Recognize & understand your moods, emotions, & drives, as well as their effect on others.

5.     Control or redirect disruptive impulses & moods; to think before acting.

6.     Develop a propensity to pursue goals with energy & persistence; a passion for ministry.

7.     Understand the emotional makeup of other people.



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